Coronavirus (COVID-19): Social Media News + Updates



All the chatter around the coronavirus (COVID-19) has made this an extremely confusing and stressful time to be a human, let alone a business owner. We’d like to keep you updated with the latest coronavirus (COVID-19) social media news and information relevant to your industry.

The Simplest Way to Spot Coronavirus Misinformation on Social Media
Read More: Medium
Here’s how to spot coronavirus misinformation on social media, according to researchers and fact-checkers.

The WeChat Messaging App Has Been Censoring Coronavirus Content Since January
Read More: BuzzFeedNews
WeChat, China’s most popular messaging app, has been censoring keywords relating to the COVID-19 outbreak since at least Jan. 1, according to a new report.

Millennials Are The Most Likely to Change Their Spending Habits Because of Coronavirus
Read More: CNBC
According to a First Insight study, 54% of 24-to-39-year-olds say the Coronavirus has significantly impacted their purchase decisions, more than any other generation. Gen Z trailed behind at 49%. The same study found that 46% of Millennials (“the worry generation”) have changed how much they go out in public, with 39% saying they shop less in stores. We’ve written about how the newfound virus has created a surge in “Coronavirus influencers” and that young people are posting about it more on social media—including documenting their quarantines.