Navigating Social Media During Coronavirus (COVID-19)


A Note To Our Clients

Given the current situation with coronavirus (COVID-19), my team and I want to assure you that we are here to support you and your brands during this confusing and stressful time. We’re all doing our best with the information that we have, but clearly we’re in uncharted territory. 

It's always been our mission at IDEAL WILD to provide our clients with the best service and share information that will help you serve your audiences better. And while we won’t pretend to have all the answers, hopefully, we can provide you with some assurance that your strategy and social media platforms will be managed properly.

As the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation has progressed, here are our suggestions and actions we have implemented:

Strategy: Be prepared to make changes to your existing strategy. It’s important to stay nimble. We are looking at your strategies and assessing if it is still the best way to move forward. If we decide that a strategy needs to be updated, we will let you know and give our suggestions.

Content Creation: While we generally like to have your calendar created and scheduled in advance, this is one of those rare times when we suggest less automation and will be available for in the moment updates and posting. We are reviewing all scheduled posts to ensure the messaging doesn’t come across as tone-deaf or insensitive.

Messaging: Let’s foster a sense of normalcy. While some of our clients want to share content that’s empathetic and compassionate, some want to have fun and stay positive—regardless of the approach, it's important to not add to the panic.

Engagement: We'll use this time to nurture, entertain and educate your audience, start thoughtful conversations and keep social media social.

Awareness: Your brand may see a decline in social media metrics for a bit—although we’re certain they’ll bounce back!

It’s our job to support you as you navigate how to best communicate with your customers. Please feel free to reach out at any time.

BusinessAndria Gutierrez